- Limited Consumer Product Warranty
Describing promises the warrantor intends to comply with if its product is defective or malfunctions. Guide for consumers explaining what remedies they can request if the product is defective or malfunctions.
- Distribution Agreement – Pro Distributor
This agreement applies to the sale of tangible goods by the manufacturer or producer (seller) to the distributor for sale to resellers or end users who are businesses for consumption or incorporation into another product. This agreement is drafted in the distributor’s favor.
- General Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services – Pro Seller
Document contains provisions commonly found in terms and conditions for the combined sale of goods and services, drafted in favor of the seller. These terms are intended to be used together with the seller’s purchase order confirmation (sometimes referred to as a sales confirmation) or price quotation.
- Customs Power of Attorney
Granting a limited power of attorney in which an importer (the principal) authorizes a customs broker (the agent) to conduct customs business on its behalf, including activities related to: (a) the entry and admissibility of merchandise. (b) Classifying and valuing imported merchandise. (c) Paying tariffs, taxes, or other charges CBP collects on imported merchandise, such as antidumping and countervailing duties. (d) Preparing and filing documents with CBP in furtherance of any other customs business activity.
- Confidentiality Agreement
To ensure that confidential information disclosed during the transaction process remains confidential. Drafted in favor of the disclosing party (the seller), but this agreement aims to be relatively reasonable to reduce the time and expense that it takes to agree on the final version.
- Warehouse Terms and Conditions
Contains terms and conditions related to the provision of warehouse or storage services, drafted in favor of the warehouse operator.
- Website Terms of Use
Intended to be a contract between the website owner and each user of the site. They are designed for posting on the website and contain provisions governing website users’ access to and use of the site. To protect the website owner, the terms of use must be implemented in a way that makes them enforceable.
- Website Privacy Policy
This website privacy policy is intended for use as a model for a website that collects basic personal information (for example, name, address, and credit card information) from users of the site in an online application or registration form for purposes that may include: (a) Providing goods or services, including content and information. (b) Using interactive features or social media applications. (c) Direct marketing.
- Terms and Conditions for Online Sales by Manufacturers to Businesses
This Standard Document contains provisions commonly found in terms and conditions for the online sale of goods and related services on a website owned and operated by a manufacturer (the site). These e-commerce terms and conditions (these terms) are intended to be used for direct sales to end users where the manufacturer provides direct warranties. For online terms and conditions covering indirect sales by a distributor or reseller to businesses, see Terms and Conditions for Online Sales by Distributors or Resellers to Businesses.
- Terms and Conditions for Online Sales by Distributors or Resellers to Business
This Standard Document contains provisions commonly found in terms and conditions for the online sale of goods and related services on a website (the site) owned and operated by a reseller or distributor (seller) to businesses. These e-commerce terms and conditions (these terms) are intended to be used for indirect sales where the seller does not provide any direct warranties to the end user but merely passes along the manufacturer’s warranty.
- Consignment Agreement
Consignment is a commercial transaction between a seller-consignor who delivers goods to a buyer-consignee without receiving payment until the consignee either resells the goods to a third party or uses the goods itself. This document can be used as a stand-alone agreement or in conjunction with a sale of goods, distribution or reseller agreement or vendor managed inventory agreement. While drafted in favor of the seller (consignor), this agreement also contains integrated drafting notes that address the interests of the buyer, who is either a reseller or distributor (consignee).
- Sales of Goods Agreement – Pro Seller
Covering a single sales transaction only. If the seller sells additional goods to the buyer, each subsequent purchase is governed by a new and separate contract.